Lama betul aku xpost isu baru.Bkn xnk post tp internet lmbt sgt.Tue yg jd malas.Arinie kita cite pulak pasal kereta.Da kerja nnti apa kereta kita nk pakai.Masa br start kerja mmg berkobar2 nk beli kereta.Jgnkan br start kerja, masa belajar lg pun kita da syok pikir apa keta nk pki nnti.Aku secara peribadi mengaku aku akan beli kereta secondhand aje and certainly import car.Kenapa? Ha tue yg akan kita bincangkan kat bwh nie nnti.
Kat sini kita share skt apa yg kita ptt tau pasal kereta di Malaysia.Korang pernah dengar pasal AFTA.Asian Free Trade Area.Malaysia salah satu negara yg terlibat dlm AFTA nie.AFTA scr ringkasnya adalah perjanjian di antara negara2 pengimport utk mengurangkan cukai import di antara negara2 di Asia.Dlm bhs omputihnya trade barriers between asian country have been narrowed.Kita xpayah citer pasal ekonomi,pasal GDP,GNP,exchanges rate.Sat lg pening kepala pulak nk paham.Pendek kata negara asia bebas utk melakukan urusniaga sesama sndr.Klu dulu kita nk pki brg2 import punya laaa mahal.Skrg org biasa pun da blh pki brg2 import.Contohnya kereta laaa.So apa pro and connya AFTA nie pada industri automobil negara kita.Sejak pelaksanaan AFTA pd thn 2002,cukai import bg kereta telah berkurang scr berperingkat drpd yg asal iaitu 300%.Skrg cukai import lbh krg 20% bergantung sama ada kereta tersebut di import sepenuhnya atau body part aje yg diimport(pasang kat malaysia laaa).Bermakna kereta import da makin murah laa mcm yg kita tgk skrg nie.Keburukannya pulak industri otomobil negara jatuh.Proton xmampu lg nk menyaingi kereta import kerana perbezaan harga cuma sdkt aje sedangkan kualiti(paham2 sndr laa).Bkn x patriotik tp kita sbg pengguna ada hak utk memilih.So kenapa nk bayar utk sesuatu yg krg kualitinya.Menteri2 pun da tukar keta rasmi diorang ke kereta import.Apa citer???...Haa sbb nie laaa aku pilih kete import.Klu aku nk beli second carpun aku akan pilih Perodua.Nie citer lain pulak nape aku pilih perodua.
Bab 2 pulak kenapa aku nk beli kereta secondhand.Korang tau x kadar susut nilai(depreciation) kereta di malaysia adalah lebih kurang 20% setahun.Kereta yg br keluar dr kilang akan berkuarang sbhgn kecil nilainya sebaik saje berada di jalan raya.Kereta baru akan berkurang nilainya hampir 40% dlm masa 3 tahun.So kereta second hand adalah pilihan yg terbaik kerana harganya yg murah.Kita bkn nk pki lama kereta pun.Bila sampai masa kita akan tukar jugak dgn kete lain.Ye laaa mana tau akan dtg gaji kita mkn besar pastu start da ada family sndr.Xkan nk pki kete lama lg.Mesti laaa tukar kete lain yg sesuai dgn gaji kita dan keselesaan keluarga kita.Dgn susut nilai kereta hampir 20% setahun bape nilai kereta br kita tue nnti bila kita nk jual.Kan da rugi besar.Ingat, kereta adalh pelaburan yg plg rugi.Ada org nie nk beli keta br sbb nk menunjuk2.Ye laa kan malu jugak bila org ckp kita pki kete second hand.Pastu xnk beli kereta terpakai sbb tkt byk problem.kereta br pun kadang2 ada problem gak sampai kena pggl blk.Skrg byk dealer kereta terpakai.Kita blh cek sndr kondisi kereta tue baik atau tak.Kadang2 kereta terpakai nie br aje beli tp da jual blk sbb org just nk rasa bawak kereta tue.(nie kes bg org2 kaya laa).Pendek kata tepuk dada tanya poket.klu byk melambak boleh laaa beli kerata br.Klu stkt nk bayar sewa rumah dgn bil utiliti pun da menangis baik beli kereta second hand aje.xde kurang mana pun.
Last aku nk kongsi tips nk beli kereta.Nie just copy paste aje.He he he......Hapy reading and target for financial freedom.
• Take the time to carefully identify your current and future transportation needs, and pick an appropriate vehicle. Transportation represents different things to different people. For some drivers, it represents status in society. Other drivers place greater emphasis on reliably getting from point A to points B and C. The more closely you match your driving needs with the vehicle you buy, the more driving pleasure you will experience and the more likely you are to want to hold onto the vehicle.
• Identify how much you can afford to spend per month on transportation. A rule of thumb suggests that the cost to rent an apartment per month should not be greater than 25 percent of your monthly net pay. The cost of an auto loan should not exceed 10 to 12 percent of your monthly net pay. In some instances, that could mean leasing a vehicle rather than taking out a loan.
• The vehicle down payment should be the largest possible, and the amount of money borrowed the lowest possible. In addition, borrowing for the shortest period (i.e., a 24-month loan rather than a 48-month loan) will reduce the overall cost of the loan.
• Identify the various loan sources such as banks, savings and loans, credit unions and national lenders. In regard to national financing vs. local financing, it can be useful to determine what the cost of a loan would be from the national sources, but to accept a loan from a local source if the loan cost is comparable or nearly comparable between the two. Compare the APR (annual percentage rate) that each of the sources will charge for the loan. The cost of a loan is negotiable. Therefore, be certain to inform each source what the others have to offer. In addition to the loan's APR, remember to also compare the other costs associated with a loan, such as loan insurance and loan processing costs.
• Be certain to read and understand any fine print contained in the loan contract. Insist that the loan contract gives you the option of making payments early and that the payments will be applied on the loan principle with no penalty or extra cost if you pay off the loan early.
• Do not settle for a vehicle that does not entirely meet your transportation needs because of low dealer or manufacturer incentive financing. Sometimes dealers or manufacturers offer extremely low APR financing on vehicles that the dealer is having a hard time selling. That's why it helps to have initially identified the correct vehicle before encountering the sales pitches and other influences of buying a vehicle.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Kereta baru atau Kereta secondhand,Local atau Import
Posted by Green Thinker at 11:07 PM
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